Answer: Yes you can connect as many stores that are in your plan.

Answer: You can see all your purchase orders in your dashboard.

Answer: You will receive a copy of your purchase order emailed to you for your records and your suppliers will confirm as normal as well.

Answer: Yes you can cancel at any time.

Answer: Yes, you can add your company logo to your purchase orders.

Answer: Yes you can turn off notifications, however we recommend you keep them for your records.

Answer: You can contact support in your dashboard.

Answer: All plans cover unlimited orders

Answer: You can connect as many stores that are in your plan and unlimited orders.

Answer: You can request a new password from the log in screen.

Answer: New suppliers are added inside the dashboard, you can add unlimited suppliers.

Answer: Inside the dashboard you can place inventory orders to ship to your location.

Answer: Amazon,Big Commerce,Shopify,Woo Commmerce and more integrations coming soon.

Answer: Yes we have many users who use PoSimplify to create purchase orders for stocking their warehouse with inventory. PoSimplify also has a manual create purchase order option so they can send purchase orders to any of their suppliers..

Answer: The average time to connect a store to POSimplify is less than 5 minutes.

Answer: Inside the dashboard you will find a step by step tutorial video and documentation to help connect your stores. If you have any questions or issues you can always contact support.

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